House price advanced regression

Autores: Davi Toshio e Henrique Cursino Vieira

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Este kernel é uma aplicação prática de análise exploratória de dados e aprendizado de máquina utilizando a linguagem R. Aqui analisamos os dados do desafio “House Prices: Advanced Regression /Techniques”, do repositório Kaggle.


1.Pré-tratamento dos dados

1.2.Carregando teste e treino


train <- read.csv(file = 'train.csv', sep= ',', stringsAsFactors = F)
test <- read.csv(file = 'test.csv', sep= ',', stringsAsFactors = F)

# Adicionando coluna SalePrice no conjunto teste
test$SalePrice <- NA

# Criando coluna index do data set
train$dataset <- 'train'
test$dataset <- 'test'

# Juntando dataset, melhora 
joined_data <- rbind(train, test)

1.3.Definição de tipos e eliminação de variáveis

# Remove coluna Utilities (super representatividade de um fator)
which(colnames(joined_data) == 'Utilities')
## [1] 10
joined_data <- joined_data[ ,-10]

# Outlier data$GarageYrBlt 2207 to 2007
joined_data$GarageYrBlt[which(joined_data$GarageYrBlt == 2207)] <- 2007

# Ajustando conteudo de variáveis onde NA é um factor
joined_data$Alley[which($Alley))] <- 'no_alley_access'
joined_data$BsmtQual[which($BsmtQual))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtCond[which($BsmtCond))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtFinType1[which($BsmtFinType1))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtFinType2[which($BsmtFinType2))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$PoolQC[which($PoolQC))] <- 'no_pool'
joined_data$Fence[which($Fence))]  <- 'no_fence' 
joined_data$MiscFeature[which($MiscFeature))] <- 'none'
joined_data$BsmtExposure[which($BsmtExposure))] <- 'no_basemente'
joined_data$FireplaceQu[which($FireplaceQu))] <- 'no_fireplace'
joined_data$GarageType[which($GarageType))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageFinish[which($GarageFinish))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageQual[which($GarageQual))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageCond[which($GarageCond))] <- 'no_garage'

# Definindo e convertendo as variaveis categoricas (factors)
joined_data$MSSubClass <- as.factor(joined_data$MSSubClass)
joined_data$OverallQual <- as.factor(joined_data$OverallQual)
joined_data$OverallCond <- as.factor(joined_data$OverallCond)
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$YrSold <- as.factor(joined_data$YrSold)
joined_data$MoSold <- as.factor(joined_data$MoSold)
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$YearBuilt <- as.factor(joined_data$YearBuilt)
joined_data$YearRemodAdd <- as.factor(joined_data$YearRemodAdd)

# Coverte caracteres para factors
joined_data[ ,which(sapply(joined_data,  is.character))] <- lapply(joined_data[ ,which(sapply(joined_data,  is.character))], as.factor)

# BsmtFinSF1  
na_position <- which($BsmtFinSF1))

# Via de regra, para todo no_basement nas variaveis Bsmt, o valor e zero!
joined_data  %>% select(contains('Bsmt')) %>% 
    filter( BsmtFinType1== 'no_basement') %>%
##         BsmtQual         BsmtCond        BsmtExposure      BsmtFinType1
##  Ex         : 0   Fa         : 0   Av          : 0    ALQ        : 0   
##  Fa         : 0   Gd         : 0   Gd          : 0    BLQ        : 0   
##  Gd         : 0   no_basement:79   Mn          : 0    GLQ        : 0   
##  no_basement:79   Po         : 0   No          : 0    LwQ        : 0   
##  TA         : 0   TA         : 0   no_basemente:79    no_basement:79   
##                                                       Rec        : 0   
##                                                       Unf        : 0   
##    BsmtFinSF1      BsmtFinType2   BsmtFinSF2   BsmtUnfSF  TotalBsmtSF
##  Min.   :0    ALQ        : 0    Min.   :0    Min.   :0   Min.   :0   
##  1st Qu.:0    BLQ        : 0    1st Qu.:0    1st Qu.:0   1st Qu.:0   
##  Median :0    GLQ        : 0    Median :0    Median :0   Median :0   
##  Mean   :0    LwQ        : 0    Mean   :0    Mean   :0   Mean   :0   
##  3rd Qu.:0    no_basement:79    3rd Qu.:0    3rd Qu.:0   3rd Qu.:0   
##  Max.   :0    Rec        : 0    Max.   :0    Max.   :0   Max.   :0   
##  NA's   :1    Unf        : 0    NA's   :1    NA's   :1   NA's   :1   
##   BsmtFullBath  BsmtHalfBath
##  Min.   :0     Min.   :0    
##  1st Qu.:0     1st Qu.:0    
##  Median :0     Median :0    
##  Mean   :0     Mean   :0    
##  3rd Qu.:0     3rd Qu.:0    
##  Max.   :0     Max.   :0    
##  NA's   :2     NA's   :2
# BsmtFinSF1
joined_data$BsmtFinSF1[which($BsmtFinSF1))] <- 0

# BsmtFinSF2
joined_data$BsmtFinSF2[which($BsmtFinSF2))] <- 0 

# BsmtUnfSF
joined_data$BsmtUnfSF[which($BsmtUnfSF))] <- 0 

# TotalBsmtSF 
joined_data$TotalBsmtSF[which($TotalBsmtSF))] <- 0 

# BsmtFullBath
joined_data$BsmtFullBath[which($BsmtFullBath))] <- 0 

# BsmtHalfBath
joined_data$BsmtHalfBath[which($BsmtHalfBath))] <- 0 

# GarageCars
# Igual ao problema anterior, vemos que nas demais variaveis relacionada
# Temos 'no_garage', logo podemos colocar zero quando nao existir informacao

joined_data$GarageCars[which($GarageCars))] <- 0 

# GarageArea 
joined_data$GarageArea[which($GarageArea))] <- 0 

# GarageYrBlt
# Variavel troll: onde tem NA, esta relacionado com no_garage ... --'
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.character(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$GarageYrBlt[which($GarageYrBlt))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)

# Separa coluna de factors para analisar
col_factor <- which(sapply(joined_data, is.factor))
joined_data_factors <- joined_data[ , col_factor]

# Separa coluna de numericos
col_numeric <- which(sapply(joined_data, is.numeric))
##  [1] "Id"            "LotFrontage"   "LotArea"       "MasVnrArea"   
##  [5] "BsmtFinSF1"    "BsmtFinSF2"    "BsmtUnfSF"     "TotalBsmtSF"  
##  [9] "X1stFlrSF"     "X2ndFlrSF"     "LowQualFinSF"  "GrLivArea"    
## [13] "BsmtFullBath"  "BsmtHalfBath"  "FullBath"      "HalfBath"     
## [17] "BedroomAbvGr"  "KitchenAbvGr"  "TotRmsAbvGrd"  "Fireplaces"   
## [21] "GarageCars"    "GarageArea"    "WoodDeckSF"    "OpenPorchSF"  
## [25] "EnclosedPorch" "X3SsnPorch"    "ScreenPorch"   "PoolArea"     
## [29] "MiscVal"       "SalePrice"

1.4.Distribuição dos factors nas variável categóricas

Uma quantidade significativa das variáveis categóricas estão bem desproporcionais … :( Este é um problema que precisa ser melhor trabalhado futuramente. Elas são informativas, porém podem causar problema em nosso modelo.

# Coluna SalePrice: 32
list_of_var_counts <- apply(joined_data_factors, 2, function(x){
    table <- data.frame(table(x), as.numeric(table(x)/sum(table(x)))) 
    colnames(table) <- c('factor_type', 'raw_count', 'percentage')
## $MSSubClass
##    factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1          120       182 0.0623501199
## 2          150         1 0.0003425831
## 3          160       128 0.0438506338
## 4          180        17 0.0058239123
## 5          190        61 0.0208975677
## 6           20      1079 0.3696471394
## 7           30       139 0.0476190476
## 8           40         6 0.0020554985
## 9           45        18 0.0061664954
## 10          50       287 0.0983213429
## 11          60       575 0.1969852689
## 12          70       128 0.0438506338
## 13          75        23 0.0078794108
## 14          80       118 0.0404248030
## 15          85        48 0.0164439877
## 16          90       109 0.0373415553
## $MSZoning
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1     C (all)        25 0.008576329
## 2          FV       139 0.047684391
## 3          RH        26 0.008919383
## 4          RL      2265 0.777015437
## 5          RM       460 0.157804460
## $Street
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1        Grvl        12 0.004110997
## 2        Pave      2907 0.995889003
## $Alley
##       factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1            Grvl       120 0.04110997
## 2 no_alley_access      2721 0.93216855
## 3            Pave        78 0.02672148
## $LotShape
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1         IR1       968 0.331620418
## 2         IR2        76 0.026036314
## 3         IR3        16 0.005481329
## 4         Reg      1859 0.636861939
## $LandContour
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1         Bnk       117 0.04008222
## 2         HLS       120 0.04110997
## 3         Low        60 0.02055498
## 4         Lvl      2622 0.89825283
## $LotConfig
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      Corner       511 0.175059952
## 2     CulDSac       176 0.060294621
## 3         FR2        85 0.029119561
## 4         FR3        14 0.004796163
## 5      Inside      2133 0.730729702
## $LandSlope
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1         Gtl      2778 0.951695786
## 2         Mod       125 0.042822885
## 3         Sev        16 0.005481329
## $Neighborhood
##    factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      Blmngtn        28 0.009592326
## 2      Blueste        10 0.003425831
## 3       BrDale        30 0.010277492
## 4      BrkSide       108 0.036998972
## 5      ClearCr        44 0.015073655
## 6      CollgCr       267 0.091469681
## 7      Crawfor       103 0.035286057
## 8      Edwards       194 0.066461117
## 9      Gilbert       165 0.056526208
## 10      IDOTRR        93 0.031860226
## 11     MeadowV        37 0.012675574
## 12     Mitchel       114 0.039054471
## 13       NAmes       443 0.151764303
## 14     NoRidge        71 0.024323398
## 15     NPkVill        23 0.007879411
## 16     NridgHt       166 0.056868791
## 17      NWAmes       131 0.044878383
## 18     OldTown       239 0.081877355
## 19      Sawyer       151 0.051730045
## 20     SawyerW       125 0.042822885
## 21     Somerst       182 0.062350120
## 22     StoneBr        51 0.017471737
## 23       SWISU        48 0.016443988
## 24      Timber        72 0.024665982
## 25     Veenker        24 0.008221994
## $Condition1
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      Artery        92 0.031517643
## 2       Feedr       164 0.056183625
## 3        Norm      2511 0.860226105
## 4        PosA        20 0.006851662
## 5        PosN        39 0.013360740
## 6        RRAe        28 0.009592326
## 7        RRAn        50 0.017129154
## 8        RRNe         6 0.002055498
## 9        RRNn         9 0.003083248
## $Condition2
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1      Artery         5 0.0017129154
## 2       Feedr        13 0.0044535800
## 3        Norm      2889 0.9897225077
## 4        PosA         4 0.0013703323
## 5        PosN         4 0.0013703323
## 6        RRAe         1 0.0003425831
## 7        RRAn         1 0.0003425831
## 8        RRNn         2 0.0006851662
## $BldgType
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1        1Fam      2425 0.83076396
## 2      2fmCon        62 0.02124015
## 3      Duplex       109 0.03734156
## 4       Twnhs        96 0.03288798
## 5      TwnhsE       227 0.07776636
## $HouseStyle
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      1.5Fin       314 0.107571086
## 2      1.5Unf        19 0.006509078
## 3      1Story      1471 0.503939705
## 4      2.5Fin         8 0.002740665
## 5      2.5Unf        24 0.008221994
## 6      2Story       872 0.298732443
## 7      SFoyer        83 0.028434395
## 8        SLvl       128 0.043850634
## $OverallQual
##    factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1            1         4 0.001370332
## 2           10        31 0.010620075
## 3            2        13 0.004453580
## 4            3        40 0.013703323
## 5            4       226 0.077423775
## 6            5       825 0.282631038
## 7            6       731 0.250428229
## 8            7       600 0.205549846
## 9            8       342 0.117163412
## 10           9       107 0.036656389
## $OverallCond
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1           1         7 0.002398082
## 2           2        10 0.003425831
## 3           3        50 0.017129154
## 4           4       101 0.034600891
## 5           5      1645 0.563549161
## 6           6       531 0.181911614
## 7           7       390 0.133607400
## 8           8       144 0.049331963
## 9           9        41 0.014045906
## $YearBuilt
##     factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1          1872         1 0.0003425831
## 2          1875         1 0.0003425831
## 3          1879         1 0.0003425831
## 4          1880         5 0.0017129154
## 5          1882         1 0.0003425831
## 6          1885         2 0.0006851662
## 7          1890         7 0.0023980815
## 8          1892         2 0.0006851662
## 9          1893         1 0.0003425831
## 10         1895         3 0.0010277492
## 11         1896         1 0.0003425831
## 12         1898         1 0.0003425831
## 13         1900        29 0.0099349092
## 14         1901         2 0.0006851662
## 15         1902         1 0.0003425831
## 16         1904         1 0.0003425831
## 17         1905         3 0.0010277492
## 18         1906         1 0.0003425831
## 19         1907         1 0.0003425831
## 20         1908         2 0.0006851662
## 21         1910        43 0.0147310723
## 22         1911         1 0.0003425831
## 23         1912         5 0.0017129154
## 24         1913         1 0.0003425831
## 25         1914         8 0.0027406646
## 26         1915        24 0.0082219938
## 27         1916        10 0.0034258308
## 28         1917         3 0.0010277492
## 29         1918        10 0.0034258308
## 30         1919         5 0.0017129154
## 31         1920        57 0.0195272354
## 32         1921        11 0.0037684138
## 33         1922        16 0.0054813292
## 34         1923        17 0.0058239123
## 35         1924        16 0.0054813292
## 36         1925        34 0.0116478246
## 37         1926        19 0.0065090785
## 38         1927         9 0.0030832477
## 39         1928         9 0.0030832477
## 40         1929         8 0.0027406646
## 41         1930        26 0.0089071600
## 42         1931         7 0.0023980815
## 43         1932         5 0.0017129154
## 44         1934         5 0.0017129154
## 45         1935        13 0.0044535800
## 46         1936        11 0.0037684138
## 47         1937         9 0.0030832477
## 48         1938        13 0.0044535800
## 49         1939        20 0.0068516615
## 50         1940        36 0.0123329908
## 51         1941        23 0.0078794108
## 52         1942         6 0.0020554985
## 53         1945        15 0.0051387461
## 54         1946        15 0.0051387461
## 55         1947        11 0.0037684138
## 56         1948        27 0.0092497431
## 57         1949        18 0.0061664954
## 58         1950        38 0.0130181569
## 59         1951        18 0.0061664954
## 60         1952        18 0.0061664954
## 61         1953        24 0.0082219938
## 62         1954        43 0.0147310723
## 63         1955        34 0.0116478246
## 64         1956        39 0.0133607400
## 65         1957        35 0.0119904077
## 66         1958        48 0.0164439877
## 67         1959        43 0.0147310723
## 68         1960        37 0.0126755738
## 69         1961        34 0.0116478246
## 70         1962        35 0.0119904077
## 71         1963        35 0.0119904077
## 72         1964        33 0.0113052415
## 73         1965        34 0.0116478246
## 74         1966        35 0.0119904077
## 75         1967        41 0.0140459061
## 76         1968        45 0.0154162384
## 77         1969        28 0.0095923261
## 78         1970        42 0.0143884892
## 79         1971        39 0.0133607400
## 80         1972        40 0.0137033231
## 81         1973        21 0.0071942446
## 82         1974        23 0.0078794108
## 83         1975        25 0.0085645769
## 84         1976        54 0.0184994861
## 85         1977        57 0.0195272354
## 86         1978        39 0.0133607400
## 87         1979        21 0.0071942446
## 88         1980        23 0.0078794108
## 89         1981         9 0.0030832477
## 90         1982         7 0.0023980815
## 91         1983         8 0.0027406646
## 92         1984        19 0.0065090785
## 93         1985         7 0.0023980815
## 94         1986        10 0.0034258308
## 95         1987         8 0.0027406646
## 96         1988        15 0.0051387461
## 97         1989         8 0.0027406646
## 98         1990        19 0.0065090785
## 99         1991        12 0.0041109969
## 100        1992        27 0.0092497431
## 101        1993        39 0.0133607400
## 102        1994        37 0.0126755738
## 103        1995        31 0.0106200754
## 104        1996        34 0.0116478246
## 105        1997        35 0.0119904077
## 106        1998        46 0.0157588215
## 107        1999        52 0.0178143200
## 108        2000        48 0.0164439877
## 109        2001        35 0.0119904077
## 110        2002        47 0.0161014046
## 111        2003        88 0.0301473107
## 112        2004        99 0.0339157246
## 113        2005       142 0.0486467968
## 114        2006       138 0.0472764645
## 115        2007       109 0.0373415553
## 116        2008        49 0.0167865707
## 117        2009        25 0.0085645769
## 118        2010         3 0.0010277492
## $YearRemodAdd
##    factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1         1950       361 0.123672491
## 2         1951        14 0.004796163
## 3         1952        15 0.005138746
## 4         1953        20 0.006851662
## 5         1954        28 0.009592326
## 6         1955        25 0.008564577
## 7         1956        30 0.010277492
## 8         1957        20 0.006851662
## 9         1958        34 0.011647825
## 10        1959        30 0.010277492
## 11        1960        29 0.009934909
## 12        1961        24 0.008221994
## 13        1962        26 0.008907160
## 14        1963        30 0.010277492
## 15        1964        26 0.008907160
## 16        1965        28 0.009592326
## 17        1966        27 0.009249743
## 18        1967        34 0.011647825
## 19        1968        39 0.013360740
## 20        1969        26 0.008907160
## 21        1970        44 0.015073655
## 22        1971        31 0.010620075
## 23        1972        35 0.011990408
## 24        1973        21 0.007194245
## 25        1974        19 0.006509078
## 26        1975        30 0.010277492
## 27        1976        48 0.016443988
## 28        1977        46 0.015758822
## 29        1978        36 0.012332991
## 30        1979        24 0.008221994
## 31        1980        26 0.008907160
## 32        1981        12 0.004110997
## 33        1982         9 0.003083248
## 34        1983        11 0.003768414
## 35        1984        19 0.006509078
## 36        1985        14 0.004796163
## 37        1986        12 0.004110997
## 38        1987        16 0.005481329
## 39        1988        15 0.005138746
## 40        1989        18 0.006166495
## 41        1990        29 0.009934909
## 42        1991        29 0.009934909
## 43        1992        32 0.010962658
## 44        1993        43 0.014731072
## 45        1994        53 0.018156903
## 46        1995        56 0.019184652
## 47        1996        59 0.020212402
## 48        1997        49 0.016786571
## 49        1998        77 0.026378897
## 50        1999        60 0.020554985
## 51        2000       104 0.035628640
## 52        2001        49 0.016786571
## 53        2002        82 0.028091812
## 54        2003        99 0.033915725
## 55        2004       111 0.038026721
## 56        2005       141 0.048304214
## 57        2006       202 0.069201781
## 58        2007       164 0.056183625
## 59        2008        81 0.027749229
## 60        2009        34 0.011647825
## 61        2010        13 0.004453580
## $RoofStyle
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1        Flat        20 0.006851662
## 2       Gable      2310 0.791366906
## 3     Gambrel        22 0.007536828
## 4         Hip       551 0.188763275
## 5     Mansard        11 0.003768414
## 6        Shed         5 0.001712915
## $RoofMatl
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1     ClyTile         1 0.0003425831
## 2     CompShg      2876 0.9852689277
## 3     Membran         1 0.0003425831
## 4       Metal         1 0.0003425831
## 5        Roll         1 0.0003425831
## 6     Tar&Grv        23 0.0078794108
## 7     WdShake         9 0.0030832477
## 8     WdShngl         7 0.0023980815
## $Exterior1st
##    factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1      AsbShng        44 0.0150788211
## 2      AsphShn         2 0.0006854010
## 3      BrkComm         6 0.0020562029
## 4      BrkFace        87 0.0298149417
## 5       CBlock         2 0.0006854010
## 6      CemntBd       126 0.0431802605
## 7      HdBoard       442 0.1514736121
## 8      ImStucc         1 0.0003427005
## 9      MetalSd       450 0.1542152159
## 10     Plywood       221 0.0757368060
## 11       Stone         2 0.0006854010
## 12      Stucco        43 0.0147361206
## 13     VinylSd      1025 0.3512679918
## 14     Wd Sdng       411 0.1408498972
## 15     WdShing        56 0.0191912269
## $Exterior2nd
##    factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1      AsbShng        38 0.0130226182
## 2      AsphShn         4 0.0013708019
## 3      Brk Cmn        22 0.0075394106
## 4      BrkFace        47 0.0161069225
## 5       CBlock         3 0.0010281014
## 6      CmentBd       126 0.0431802605
## 7      HdBoard       406 0.1391363948
## 8      ImStucc        15 0.0051405072
## 9      MetalSd       447 0.1531871145
## 10       Other         1 0.0003427005
## 11     Plywood       270 0.0925291295
## 12       Stone         6 0.0020562029
## 13      Stucco        47 0.0161069225
## 14     VinylSd      1014 0.3474982865
## 15     Wd Sdng       391 0.1339958876
## 16     Wd Shng        81 0.0277587389
## $MasVnrType
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      BrkCmn        25 0.008635579
## 2     BrkFace       879 0.303626943
## 3        None      1742 0.601727116
## 4       Stone       249 0.086010363
## $ExterQual
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1          Ex       107 0.03665639
## 2          Fa        35 0.01199041
## 3          Gd       979 0.33538883
## 4          TA      1798 0.61596437
## $ExterCond
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1          Ex        12 0.004110997
## 2          Fa        67 0.022953066
## 3          Gd       299 0.102432340
## 4          Po         3 0.001027749
## 5          TA      2538 0.869475848
## $Foundation
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      BrkTil       311 0.106543337
## 2      CBlock      1235 0.423090099
## 3       PConc      1308 0.448098664
## 4        Slab        49 0.016786571
## 5       Stone        11 0.003768414
## 6        Wood         5 0.001712915
## $BsmtQual
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1          Ex       258 0.08838643
## 2          Fa        88 0.03014731
## 3          Gd      1209 0.41418294
## 4 no_basement        81 0.02774923
## 5          TA      1283 0.43953409
## $BsmtCond
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1          Fa       104 0.035628640
## 2          Gd       122 0.041795135
## 3 no_basement        82 0.028091812
## 4          Po         5 0.001712915
## 5          TA      2606 0.892771497
## $BsmtExposure
##    factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1           Av       418 0.14319973
## 2           Gd       276 0.09455293
## 3           Mn       239 0.08187736
## 4           No      1904 0.65227818
## 5 no_basemente        82 0.02809181
## $BsmtFinType1
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1         ALQ       429 0.14696814
## 2         BLQ       269 0.09215485
## 3         GLQ       849 0.29085303
## 4         LwQ       154 0.05275779
## 5 no_basement        79 0.02706406
## 6         Rec       288 0.09866393
## 7         Unf       851 0.29153820
## $BsmtFinType2
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1         ALQ        52 0.01781432
## 2         BLQ        68 0.02329565
## 3         GLQ        34 0.01164782
## 4         LwQ        87 0.02980473
## 5 no_basement        80 0.02740665
## 6         Rec       105 0.03597122
## 7         Unf      2493 0.85405961
## $Heating
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1       Floor         1 0.0003425831
## 2        GasA      2874 0.9845837616
## 3        GasW        27 0.0092497431
## 4        Grav         9 0.0030832477
## 5        OthW         2 0.0006851662
## 6        Wall         6 0.0020554985
## $HeatingQC
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1          Ex      1493 0.511476533
## 2          Fa        92 0.031517643
## 3          Gd       474 0.162384378
## 4          Po         3 0.001027749
## 5          TA       857 0.293593696
## $CentralAir
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1           N       196 0.06714628
## 2           Y      2723 0.93285372
## $Electrical
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1       FuseA       188 0.0644276902
## 2       FuseF        50 0.0171350240
## 3       FuseP         8 0.0027416038
## 4         Mix         1 0.0003427005
## 5       SBrkr      2671 0.9153529815
## $KitchenQual
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1          Ex       205 0.07025360
## 2          Fa        70 0.02398903
## 3          Gd      1151 0.39444825
## 4          TA      1492 0.51130912
## $Functional
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1        Maj1        19 0.0065135413
## 2        Maj2         9 0.0030853617
## 3        Min1        65 0.0222831676
## 4        Min2        70 0.0239972575
## 5         Mod        35 0.0119986287
## 6         Sev         2 0.0006856359
## 7         Typ      2717 0.9314364073
## $FireplaceQu
##    factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1           Ex        43 0.01473107
## 2           Fa        74 0.02535115
## 3           Gd       744 0.25488181
## 4 no_fireplace      1420 0.48646797
## 5           Po        46 0.01575882
## 6           TA       592 0.20280918
## $GarageType
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1      2Types        23 0.007879411
## 2      Attchd      1723 0.590270641
## 3     Basment        36 0.012332991
## 4     BuiltIn       186 0.063720452
## 5     CarPort        15 0.005138746
## 6      Detchd       779 0.266872217
## 7   no_garage       157 0.053785543
## $GarageYrBlt
##     factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1          1895         1 0.0003425831
## 2          1896         1 0.0003425831
## 3          1900         6 0.0020554985
## 4          1906         1 0.0003425831
## 5          1908         1 0.0003425831
## 6          1910        10 0.0034258308
## 7          1914         2 0.0006851662
## 8          1915         7 0.0023980815
## 9          1916         6 0.0020554985
## 10         1917         2 0.0006851662
## 11         1918         3 0.0010277492
## 12         1919         1 0.0003425831
## 13         1920        33 0.0113052415
## 14         1921         5 0.0017129154
## 15         1922         8 0.0027406646
## 16         1923         6 0.0020554985
## 17         1924         8 0.0027406646
## 18         1925        15 0.0051387461
## 19         1926        15 0.0051387461
## 20         1927         5 0.0017129154
## 21         1928         7 0.0023980815
## 22         1929         2 0.0006851662
## 23         1930        27 0.0092497431
## 24         1931         4 0.0013703323
## 25         1932         4 0.0013703323
## 26         1933         1 0.0003425831
## 27         1934         4 0.0013703323
## 28         1935         8 0.0027406646
## 29         1936         7 0.0023980815
## 30         1937         6 0.0020554985
## 31         1938        11 0.0037684138
## 32         1939        21 0.0071942446
## 33         1940        25 0.0085645769
## 34         1941        14 0.0047961631
## 35         1942         6 0.0020554985
## 36         1943         1 0.0003425831
## 37         1945        10 0.0034258308
## 38         1946         9 0.0030832477
## 39         1947         5 0.0017129154
## 40         1948        19 0.0065090785
## 41         1949        14 0.0047961631
## 42         1950        51 0.0174717369
## 43         1951        17 0.0058239123
## 44         1952        16 0.0054813292
## 45         1953        23 0.0078794108
## 46         1954        37 0.0126755738
## 47         1955        24 0.0082219938
## 48         1956        41 0.0140459061
## 49         1957        34 0.0116478246
## 50         1958        42 0.0143884892
## 51         1959        36 0.0123329908
## 52         1960        37 0.0126755738
## 53         1961        31 0.0106200754
## 54         1962        35 0.0119904077
## 55         1963        34 0.0116478246
## 56         1964        35 0.0119904077
## 57         1965        34 0.0116478246
## 58         1966        39 0.0133607400
## 59         1967        36 0.0123329908
## 60         1968        48 0.0164439877
## 61         1969        32 0.0109626584
## 62         1970        32 0.0109626584
## 63         1971        24 0.0082219938
## 64         1972        27 0.0092497431
## 65         1973        29 0.0099349092
## 66         1974        35 0.0119904077
## 67         1975        28 0.0095923261
## 68         1976        50 0.0171291538
## 69         1977        66 0.0226104830
## 70         1978        41 0.0140459061
## 71         1979        35 0.0119904077
## 72         1980        32 0.0109626584
## 73         1981        15 0.0051387461
## 74         1982         9 0.0030832477
## 75         1983        11 0.0037684138
## 76         1984        19 0.0065090785
## 77         1985        18 0.0061664954
## 78         1986        12 0.0041109969
## 79         1987        18 0.0061664954
## 80         1988        20 0.0068516615
## 81         1989        19 0.0065090785
## 82         1990        26 0.0089071600
## 83         1991        17 0.0058239123
## 84         1992        27 0.0092497431
## 85         1993        49 0.0167865707
## 86         1994        39 0.0133607400
## 87         1995        35 0.0119904077
## 88         1996        40 0.0137033231
## 89         1997        44 0.0150736554
## 90         1998        58 0.0198698184
## 91         1999        54 0.0184994861
## 92         2000        55 0.0188420692
## 93         2001        41 0.0140459061
## 94         2002        53 0.0181569030
## 95         2003        92 0.0315176430
## 96         2004        99 0.0339157246
## 97         2005       142 0.0486467968
## 98         2006       115 0.0393970538
## 99         2007       116 0.0397396369
## 100        2008        61 0.0208975677
## 101        2009        29 0.0099349092
## 102        2010         5 0.0017129154
## 103   no_garage       159 0.0544707091
## $GarageFinish
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1         Fin       719 0.24631723
## 2   no_garage       159 0.05447071
## 3         RFn       811 0.27783487
## 4         Unf      1230 0.42137718
## $GarageQual
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1          Ex         3 0.001027749
## 2          Fa       124 0.042480301
## 3          Gd        24 0.008221994
## 4   no_garage       159 0.054470709
## 5          Po         5 0.001712915
## 6          TA      2604 0.892086331
## $GarageCond
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1          Ex         3 0.001027749
## 2          Fa        74 0.025351148
## 3          Gd        15 0.005138746
## 4   no_garage       159 0.054470709
## 5          Po        14 0.004796163
## 6          TA      2654 0.909215485
## $PavedDrive
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1           N       216 0.07399794
## 2           P        62 0.02124015
## 3           Y      2641 0.90476190
## $PoolQC
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1          Ex         4 0.0013703323
## 2          Fa         2 0.0006851662
## 3          Gd         4 0.0013703323
## 4     no_pool      2909 0.9965741692
## $Fence
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1       GdPrv       118 0.040424803
## 2        GdWo       112 0.038369305
## 3       MnPrv       329 0.112709832
## 4        MnWw        12 0.004110997
## 5    no_fence      2348 0.804385063
## $MiscFeature
##   factor_type raw_count   percentage
## 1        Gar2         5 0.0017129154
## 2        none      2814 0.9640287770
## 3        Othr         4 0.0013703323
## 4        Shed        95 0.0325453923
## 5        TenC         1 0.0003425831
## $MoSold
##    factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1            1       122 0.04179514
## 2           10       173 0.05926687
## 3           11       142 0.04864680
## 4           12       104 0.03562864
## 5            2       133 0.04556355
## 6            3       232 0.07947927
## 7            4       279 0.09558068
## 8            5       394 0.13497773
## 9            6       503 0.17231929
## 10           7       446 0.15279205
## 11           8       233 0.07982186
## 12           9       158 0.05412813
## $YrSold
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1        2006       619  0.2120589
## 2        2007       692  0.2370675
## 3        2008       622  0.2130867
## 4        2009       647  0.2216513
## 5        2010       339  0.1161357
## $SaleType
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1         COD        87 0.029814942
## 2         Con         5 0.001713502
## 3       ConLD        26 0.008910212
## 4       ConLI         9 0.003084304
## 5       ConLw         8 0.002741604
## 6         CWD        12 0.004112406
## 7         New       239 0.081905415
## 8         Oth         7 0.002398903
## 9          WD      2525 0.865318711
## $SaleCondition
##   factor_type raw_count  percentage
## 1     Abnorml       190 0.065090785
## 2     AdjLand        12 0.004110997
## 3      Alloca        24 0.008221994
## 4      Family        46 0.015758822
## 5      Normal      2402 0.822884550
## 6     Partial       245 0.083932854
## $dataset
##   factor_type raw_count percentage
## 1        test      1459  0.4998287
## 2       train      1460  0.5001713
# Quem possue fatores que representam acima de 90%
lista_90 <- lapply(list_of_var_counts, 
            sub_list <- sum(x$percentage > 0.90)

var_fac_not_over <- which(unlist(lista_90) == 0)

summary(joined_data_factors[ ,var_fac_not_over])

2.Quem possue NA’s?

# Pega index de colunas com NA
index_na <- sapply(joined_data,  function(x) which(
len_na_index <- lapply(index_na, length)
index_coluns_with_na <-  as.numeric(which(unlist(len_na_index) > 0))

# Imprime nome das colunas
##  [1] "MSZoning"    "LotFrontage" "Exterior1st" "Exterior2nd" "MasVnrType" 
##  [6] "MasVnrArea"  "Electrical"  "KitchenQual" "Functional"  "SaleType"   
## [11] "SalePrice"
# Imprime tipo de variavel das colunas com NA
sapply(joined_data[ ,index_coluns_with_na], is.factor)
##    MSZoning LotFrontage Exterior1st Exterior2nd  MasVnrType  MasVnrArea 
##        TRUE       FALSE        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       FALSE 
##  Electrical KitchenQual  Functional    SaleType   SalePrice 
##        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       FALSE
sapply(joined_data[ ,index_coluns_with_na], is.numeric)
##    MSZoning LotFrontage Exterior1st Exterior2nd  MasVnrType  MasVnrArea 
##       FALSE        TRUE       FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        TRUE 
##  Electrical KitchenQual  Functional    SaleType   SalePrice 
##       FALSE       FALSE       FALSE       FALSE        TRUE
summary(joined_data[ ,index_coluns_with_na])
##     MSZoning     LotFrontage      Exterior1st    Exterior2nd  
##  C (all):  25   Min.   : 21.00   VinylSd:1025   VinylSd:1014  
##  FV     : 139   1st Qu.: 59.00   MetalSd: 450   MetalSd: 447  
##  RH     :  26   Median : 68.00   HdBoard: 442   HdBoard: 406  
##  RL     :2265   Mean   : 69.31   Wd Sdng: 411   Wd Sdng: 391  
##  RM     : 460   3rd Qu.: 80.00   Plywood: 221   Plywood: 270  
##  NA's   :   4   Max.   :313.00   (Other): 369   (Other): 390  
##                 NA's   :486      NA's   :   1   NA's   :   1  
##    MasVnrType     MasVnrArea     Electrical   KitchenQual   Functional  
##  BrkCmn :  25   Min.   :   0.0   FuseA: 188   Ex  : 205   Typ    :2717  
##  BrkFace: 879   1st Qu.:   0.0   FuseF:  50   Fa  :  70   Min2   :  70  
##  None   :1742   Median :   0.0   FuseP:   8   Gd  :1151   Min1   :  65  
##  Stone  : 249   Mean   : 102.2   Mix  :   1   TA  :1492   Mod    :  35  
##  NA's   :  24   3rd Qu.: 164.0   SBrkr:2671   NA's:   1   Maj1   :  19  
##                 Max.   :1600.0   NA's :   1               (Other):  11  
##                 NA's   :23                                NA's   :   2  
##     SaleType      SalePrice     
##  WD     :2525   Min.   : 34900  
##  New    : 239   1st Qu.:129975  
##  COD    :  87   Median :163000  
##  ConLD  :  26   Mean   :180921  
##  CWD    :  12   3rd Qu.:214000  
##  (Other):  29   Max.   :755000  
##  NA's   :   1   NA's   :1459

3.Estimando pseudo valores (numéricos)

Nessa primeira tentativa, não descartaremos nenhuma linha que contém NA’s. Tentaremos aproveitar todas as informações disponíveis estimando pseudo valores para preencher as lacunas faltantes em cada variável. No caso de variáveis numéricas, iremos aplicar modelos de regressão para estimar o melhor valor possíve, em vez de simplesmente preencher com um valor arbitrário como a média. Optamos por usar o algoritmo de florestas aleatórias por lidar bem tanto com variáveis categóricas como numéricas e também por ser útil em problemas de regressão, não se limitando apenas a problemas de classificação.

# Comeca com as variaveis com menos NA
# Pega colunas numericas com NA 
numeric_cols_na <- names(which(sapply(joined_data[ ,index_coluns_with_na], is.numeric)))
summary(joined_data[ ,numeric_cols_na])
##   LotFrontage       MasVnrArea       SalePrice     
##  Min.   : 21.00   Min.   :   0.0   Min.   : 34900  
##  1st Qu.: 59.00   1st Qu.:   0.0   1st Qu.:129975  
##  Median : 68.00   Median :   0.0   Median :163000  
##  Mean   : 69.31   Mean   : 102.2   Mean   :180921  
##  3rd Qu.: 80.00   3rd Qu.: 164.0   3rd Qu.:214000  
##  Max.   :313.00   Max.   :1600.0   Max.   :755000  
##  NA's   :486      NA's   :23       NA's   :1459

3.1.Verificando possíveis correlações entre variáveis

correlations <- cor(na.omit(joined_data[ , col_numeric[c(-32)] ])) # Tirando lotFrontage, pois tem muitos NA

corrplot(correlations, method = c('square'))

3.2.Variável ‘MasVnrArea’

# Esse tipo de detalhe nao eh caracteristico de casas antigas. sim ou nao?
joined_data %>% ggplot(aes(x=YearBuilt, y=MasVnrArea, col=MasVnrType)) +
        geom_point(size=2, alpha=0.8) +

random_forest_model <- train(MasVnrArea ~ MSSubClass + LotArea + LotShape +  LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 + BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond + YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType ,
                              data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                              tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,8,10,15,20) ),
                              method= "rf",
                              trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE))

prediction <- predict(random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$MasVnrArea[ which($MasVnrArea)) ] <- as.integer(prediction[which($MasVnrArea))]) 

3.3.Variável ‘LotFrontage’

lot_var <- joined_data %>% select(contains('Lot'))
lot_var %>% ggplot(aes(x=LotFrontage, y=LotArea, col=LotShape)) +
    geom_point(size=3, alpha=0.6) +
    facet_grid(~ LotShape) +
    scale_y_log10() +

joined_data %>% 
    select(contains('Lot')) %>%
    filter( %>%
    group_by(LotShape) %>%
    summarize(mean_area = mean(LotArea), lotShape_counts = n())

random_forest_model <- train(LotFrontage ~ LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass + LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1
                             + BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,8,10,12,14,18) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 

prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
data.frame(original= joined_data$LotFrontage, prediction)
joined_data$LotFrontage[ which($LotFrontage)) ] <- as.integer(prediction[which($LotFrontage))]) 

4.Estimando pseudo valores (categóricos)

4.1.Variável ‘MSZoning’

random_forest_model <- train(MSZoning ~ LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,8,10,12,14,18) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 

prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
data.frame(original= joined_data$MSZoning, prediction)

joined_data$MSZoning[ which($MSZoning)) ] <- prediction[which($MSZoning))] 

4.2.Variável ‘Exterior1st’

# Pegadinha $#%$!, tirar garage year built pq tem NA nas unicas classes

random_forest_model <- train(Exterior1st ~ LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-59,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,8,10,12,14,18) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
View(data.frame(original= joined_data$Exterior1st, prediction))

joined_data$Exterior1st[ which($Exterior1st)) ] <- prediction[which($Exterior1st))] 

4.3.Variável ‘Exterior2nd’

random_forest_model <- train(Exterior2nd ~ LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-59,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,8,10,12,14,18, 20) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)

joined_data$Exterior2nd[ which($Exterior2nd)) ] <- prediction[which($Exterior2nd))] 

4.4.Variável ‘MasVnrType’

random_forest_model <- train(MasVnrType ~ LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea + FireplaceQu + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,10,15,28) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$MasVnrType[ which($MasVnrType)) ] <- prediction[which($MasVnrType))] 

4.5.Variável ‘Electrical’

random_forest_model <- train(Electrical ~ MasVnrType + LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea  + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,10,15,19) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$Electrical[ which($Electrical)) ] <- prediction[which($Electrical))] 

4.6.Variável ‘SaleType’

random_forest_model <- train(SaleType ~ MasVnrType + LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea  + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,10,15,19) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$SaleType[ which($SaleType)) ] <- prediction[which($SaleType))] 

4.7.Variável ‘Functional’

random_forest_model <- train(Functional ~ SaleType + MasVnrType + LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea  + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,10,15,19) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$Functional[ which($Functional)) ] <- prediction[which($Functional))] 

4.8.Variável ‘KitchenQual’

random_forest_model <- train(KitchenQual ~ SaleType + MasVnrType + LotFrontage + LotArea + LotShape + LotConfig + MSSubClass +
                                 LandContour + Neighborhood + Condition1 +
                                 BldgType + HouseStyle + OverallQual + OverallCond +
                                 YearBuilt +  Foundation + BsmtQual + BsmtFinType1 + 
                                 GrLivArea  + GarageType,
                             data = na.omit(joined_data[ ,c(-1,-80,-81)]),
                             tuneGrid= data.frame( mtry=c(5,10,15,19) ),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=5, verboseIter = TRUE) 


prediction <- predict( random_forest_model, joined_data)
joined_data$KitchenQual[ which($KitchenQual)) ] <- prediction[which($KitchenQual))] 
write.table(file='joined_data_cleaned_without_NA.txt', joined_data, sep = '\t', row.names = F)

5.Explorando os dados

5.1.Carrega os dados salvos

joined_data <- read.table(file='/home/davi/Desktop/house_prices-_advanced_regression_techniques/joined_data_cleaned_without_NA.txt', sep = '\t', header = TRUE)

joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$Alley[which($Alley))] <- 'no_alley_access'
joined_data$BsmtQual[which($BsmtQual))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtCond[which($BsmtCond))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtFinType1[which($BsmtFinType1))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$BsmtFinType2[which($BsmtFinType2))] <- 'no_basement'
joined_data$PoolQC[which($PoolQC))] <- 'no_pool'
joined_data$Fence[which($Fence))]  <- 'no_fence' 
joined_data$MiscFeature[which($MiscFeature))] <- 'none'
joined_data$BsmtExposure[which($BsmtExposure))] <- 'no_basemente'
joined_data$FireplaceQu[which($FireplaceQu))] <- 'no_fireplace'
joined_data$GarageType[which($GarageType))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageFinish[which($GarageFinish))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageQual[which($GarageQual))] <- 'no_garage'
joined_data$GarageCond[which($GarageCond))] <- 'no_garage'

# Definindo e convertendo as variaveis categoricas (factors)
joined_data$MSSubClass <- as.factor(joined_data$MSSubClass)
joined_data$OverallQual <- as.factor(joined_data$OverallQual)
joined_data$OverallCond <- as.factor(joined_data$OverallCond)
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$YrSold <- as.factor(joined_data$YrSold)
joined_data$MoSold <- as.factor(joined_data$MoSold)
joined_data$GarageYrBlt <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageYrBlt)
joined_data$YearBuilt <- as.factor(joined_data$YearBuilt)
joined_data$YearRemodAdd <- as.factor(joined_data$YearRemodAdd)
joined_data$GarageCars <- as.factor(joined_data$GarageCars)

joined_data <- joined_data %>% mutate(age_until_sale =  as.numeric(as.character(YrSold)) - as.numeric(as.character(YearBuilt)))

# Criar nova variavel: area_habitada_casa
# TotalBsmtSF: Total square feet of basement area
# GrLivArea: Above grade (ground) living area square feet
# GarageArea: Size of garage in square feet
# WoodDeckSF: Wood deck area in square feet
# OpenPorchSF: Open porch area in square feet
# EnclosedPorch: Enclosed porch area in square feet
# 3SsnPorch: Three season porch area in square feet
# ScreenPorch: Screen porch area in square feet
# PoolArea: Pool area in square feet

joined_data <- joined_data %>% mutate(house_useful_area = GrLivArea + GarageArea +
                                          WoodDeckSF + OpenPorchSF + PoolArea)

Separando finalmente o cojunto de treino e teste

train <- joined_data %>% 
    filter(dataset == 'train')

test <- joined_data %>%
    filter(dataset == 'test')

Explorando a relacção entre algumas variáveis de interesse para poderem ser usadas na contrução dos modelos

Casas mais novas parecem valer mais no geral? Muito diferente do que esperávamos.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= age_until_sale, y= SalePrice,  col=Neighborhood)) +
    geom_point(size=4, alpha=0.4)+

Basement qual tem muita influência no preço da casa.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= BsmtQual, y= SalePrice)) +

GrLivArea vs SalePrice tem uma relação linear aparente

“Above Grade Living Area Total Sq. Ft. represents the finished above grade living area in a house. It does not include unfinished areas, the area occupied by a cathedral ceiling, enclosed non-living areas such as garages and enclosed porches, or basement area or finished basement living space”.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= GrLivArea, y= SalePrice)) +
    geom_point(size=4, alpha=0.4)+

# Fazendo uma regressão com e sem o outlier
summary(lm(SalePrice ~ GrLivArea, data=train))
## Call:
## lm(formula = SalePrice ~ GrLivArea, data = train)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -462999  -29800   -1124   21957  339832 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 18569.026   4480.755   4.144 3.61e-05 ***
## GrLivArea     107.130      2.794  38.348  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 56070 on 1458 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5021, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5018 
## F-statistic:  1471 on 1 and 1458 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
summary(lm(SalePrice ~ GrLivArea, data=train[-which(train$GrLivArea > 4500), ]))
## Call:
## lm(formula = SalePrice ~ GrLivArea, data = train[-which(train$GrLivArea > 
##     4500), ])
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -197730  -29815    -337   23239  332534 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 7168.970   4432.501   1.617    0.106    
## GrLivArea    115.040      2.782  41.358   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 53920 on 1456 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5402, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5399 
## F-statistic:  1710 on 1 and 1456 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Interessante: Parece que a area do terreno não influencia muito no preço da casa.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= LotArea, y= SalePrice, col= Neighborhood)) +
    geom_point(size=3, alpha=0.4)+

Casas com piscina, sendo elas de boa qualidade, valem muito mais.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= PoolQC, y= SalePrice)) +

Qualidade da casa vs preço, ótima relação.

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= OverallQual, y= SalePrice)) +

Somei todas as “áreas úteis da casa” para testar se a relação melhora. Ao ver, sim!

train %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x= house_useful_area, y= SalePrice, col=OverallQual)) +
    geom_point(size=3, alpha=0.7)+
    theme_bw() + 

6. Treinando e validando o modelo para o conjunto de teste

6.1. Random forest

random_forest_model <- train(SalePrice~ .,
                             data = train,
                             tuneGrid= data.frame(mtry=c(30, 40, 50, 55, 60,65, 70,75,79,80,82)),
                             method= "rf",
                             trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=50, verboseIter = TRUE ))       

prediction <- predict(random_forest_model, test)
to_submit <-  data.frame(Id= test$Id , SalePrice = prediction)
write.csv(file='prediction_results.csv', to_submit, row.names = F ) 

6.2.Modelo linear

Testando modelo linear sem os ‘outliers’

lm_model <- lm(SalePrice ~ house_useful_area + OverallQual + GrLivArea +
                   TotalBsmtSF + GarageArea  +         
                   ExterQual + X1stFlrSF + BsmtQual +
                   KitchenQual + FullBath +TotRmsAbvGrd,  data=train[c(-524, -1299), ])

prediction <- predict(lm_model, test)
to_submit <-  data.frame(Id= test$Id , SalePrice = prediction)
write.csv(file='prediction_results.csv', to_submit, row.names = F ) 

6.3.SVM (Support Machine Vector)

svm_model <- train(SalePrice ~ OverallQual + house_useful_area + age_until_sale +  PoolQC + Neighborhood,
      data = train[c(-524, -1299), ],
      method= "svmPoly",
      trControl= trainControl(method='cv', number=3, verboseIter = TRUE ))  


prediction <- predict(svm_model, test)
to_submit <-  data.frame(Id= test$Id , SalePrice = prediction)

write.csv(file='prediction_results.csv', to_submit, row.names = F ) 
prediction <- predict(svm_model, train)

6.4.GBM (Gradient Boosting Machine)

metric <- "RMSE"
trainControl <- trainControl(method="cv", number=30)
caretGrid <- expand.grid(interaction.depth= c(1,4,5,6), n.trees= c(2500,3000, 3200, 3400, 3600) ,
                         shrinkage= c(0.1,0.01,0.02,0.03),
gbm.caret <- train(SalePrice ~ .
                   , data=train
                   , distribution="gaussian"
                   , method="gbm"
                   , trControl=trainControl
                   , verbose=FALSE
                   , tuneGrid=caretGrid
                   , metric=metric
                   , bag.fraction=0.75


prediction <- predict(gbm.caret, test)
to_submit <-  data.frame(Id= test$Id , SalePrice = prediction)
write.csv(file='prediction_results.csv', to_submit, row.names = F ) 

7.1.Resultados obtidos

Ainda há muito a trabalhar nestes dados. O melhor resultado foi obtido com o algoritmo GBM. No Kaggle, conseguimos alcançar uma posição mediana em relação aos demais competidores. Nossa melhor pontuação foi de 0.13477

Posição no ranking geral

Melhor pontuação obtida